

I've been messing around with diet and lifestyle optimisation for a few years now and along the way have adopted a number of less conventional methods for improving health and fitness. I've decided to use a blog to start to record my ramblings (as my wife is sick of listening to me!),  and hopefully I can share some helpful information at the same time.

As a Professional Engineer I'm trained to optimise efficiency through design, as a father of three daughters I'm concerned with staying strong enough to keep up with my children (and hopefully Grandchildren!) and am neither time nor cash rich! Therefore I'm always searching for the most efficient effective and affordable methods to improve and maintain my overall health.

This blog is a journal of my experiences, and collection of knowledge I have gained, as I try and optimise my overall health and wellness by applying evolutionary principles and real science to my lifestyle choices.

From the beginning of my journey and along the path I will use this 'cave' as both a record and knowledge store. Hopefully I will also manage to inspire others to question everything and make choices that allow people to live life both long and strong.

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